Development Method of Intellectual Capital Management in Current Scenario of Business Management

Budi Wahyu Mahardhika, Aryo Prakoso, Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun, Phong Thanh Nguyen, K. Shankar

Abstract – Sum of the knowledge in an organization can be considered as intellectual capital. This knowledge exists at different levels, outside or within the organization implies that knowledge. Many processes and products are having intangible nature, in corporate balance sheets to increase the intellectual capital management they enhance the value. The intellectual capital known as the exertion or work that a part put into the association as intangible resources. These assets incorporate information assets like copyright, licenses, trademarks and other human’s thoughts and analyses. So we can say that intellectual capital is the gathering of all assets like social capital, basic and human, these are the assets that set the authoritative focused worth

Keywords: organization, intellectual capital, knowledge, intangible resources

Sumber :


Mahardhika, Budi Wahyu, et al. “Development Method of Intellectual Capital Management in Current Scenario of Business Management.”
Mahardhika, B. W., Prakoso, A., Labetubun, M. A. H., Nguyen, P. T., & Shankar, K. Development Method of Intellectual Capital Management in Current Scenario of Business Management.

MAHARDHIKA, Budi Wahyu, et al. Development Method of Intellectual Capital Management in Current Scenario of Business Management.