Budi Wahyu Mahardhika, K. Shankar, Ruly Artha
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. E-mail: budi.wahyu.m@fe.um- surabaya.ac.id
Department of Computer Applications, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India. E-mail: shankarcrypto@gmail.com
Anay Publication, Indonesia. http://www.anaypub.com
In various domains for daily business transaction many companies are using a centralized database system in current age. From different locations In repository of centralized data for query processing based on the request of end user some serious issue have been find that are related to communication cost, maintenance, performance and complexity. For scalability in their business environments several organizations implement efficient distributed database systems. Many factors like replication, allocation, fragmentation and transparent management system are covers in distributed database architecture. For performing database fragmentation this paper study different techniques and defined the architecture.
Keywords-cenetralized database; business; fragmentation.
Sumber : http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/8951/4953
Kutipan :
Mahardhika, Budi Wahyu, et al. “An Experimental Study on Performance Evaluation of Database Object Horizontal Fragmentation Schemes.” |
Mahardhika, B. W., Shankar, K & Artha, R. An Experimental Study on Performance Evaluation of Database Object Horizontal Fragmentation Schemes . |
MAHARDHIKA, Budi Wahyu, et al. An Experimental Study on Performance Evaluation of Database Object Horizontal Fragmentation Schemes.